Melinda Fruithandler
When I chose to attend Lehigh University, the Department of Theatre and Mustard and Cheese Drama Society made my decision easy. I was attracted by the close-knit department, with professors and students knowing each other on a personal level, but I also liked that the majority of students involved were not theater majors. I came into contact with a diverse group of people who all really cared about the outcome of our shows and projects. I was exposed to unique perspectives about material and problem-solving that I don’t know I would have found anywhere else.
I am the Assistant Manager of Show Production for the Dolphin Venue at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. As a theatre major, I was well trained to know my job, and also to know how to adapt my role to suit the requirements of any type of production. In the Department of Theatre I worked on a small period play and on a large musical, in Baker Hall I assisted on large-scale load-ins and events, and on the M&C executive board I learned to lead an organization. All of those skills have come into play in my current job.
My advice to Lehigh students is to try something a little out of your comfort zone; you can always decide it’s not for you, but at least you tried!