Elizabeth Frino
I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and a Minor in Theater. I continued my education in the Department of Theatre’s Apprentice Program the following academic year. My theatre professors were very willing to lead me to new creative ventures and teach me the skills of painting, crafting, sewing, building, drafting, and model making which help me to succeed today. The passion for collaboration and love for the arts exemplified in the Department of Theatre inspired me to pursue a career in theatre. I am currently balancing designing the set for Lehigh University’s production of Waiting for Godot, working as the assistant prop master for Oedipus el Rey at The Public Theatre in NYC, and doing a few projects for Christkindlmarkt in Bethlehem. The Department of Theatre at Lehigh is inclusive, creative and exciting - it is a great program to be a part of and there are many opportunities benefitting students.