Ms. Swapna Suresh has been trained in Bharatanatyam- (one of the oldest classical dance forms of India) for more than 16 years. She has performed in several prestigious dance shows locally and internationally, winning various awards & commendations over the years. She is a versatile dancer who has choreographed several Bollywood, Folk and Contemporary dances. Ms. Swapna has a Bachelors in Computer Science and Masters in Information Technology. Her heart, however, has always followed her passion for Bharatanatyam which helped her accomplish her Master of Arts in Bharatanatyam at the University of Madras, India. Swapna recently too part in two successful events for the Guinness book of World Records and is now one among 140 Bharatanatyam dancers across the globe who have set a record for the Asia & India Book of Records. Ms.Sursh is the Founder & Artistic Director of Mayura Academy of dance, Allentown, PA since 2011.